A Long Day

It was a really long day yesterday helping Lynettea get votes for the cork tree. Today was more relaxed and back into a better routine. After two sessions of chasing the laser and batting the ball, two walkies and a grooming session, I feel more normal.
 New people are living next door and they were climbing from their car when I tried to exercise Lynettea outside. One can never be sure, so I tugged her lead to take her in.
'It's okay, Sasha,' she said. 
The young lady asked my name and smiled at me. 
Finally Lynettea agreed to go in.
Before we went in I nipped some fresh grass from my pots at the back and side. The blades are growing vigorously. 
Now I am resting. The photos are on the side.


dood....trout towne sended a votez yur way
for de cork tree and we hope it winz !!!
all de treez on de site bee awesum, troo lee,
and we all sew voted for de two treez that
had lezz votez :) ♥♥♥ happee week a head
two ewe and wavez two de pond fish ~~~
pilch92 said…
That was sweet of you to help your mom. I voted, it is a nice tree. XO
meowmeowmans said…
We voted for the cork tree, Sasha!
Sasha said…
Thank you dear friends for voting. Lynettea says the cork tree is in the lead but we must wait until 1 May for the result. She says I should make a special post to let kitties know the result. Until then we should all purr loudly for the tree. Trees are so precious wherever you live.

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