After the Vet Visit

Yesterday was very stressful. I've told Lynettea many times that she must give me advance warning if a Vet is approaching the house. That gives me time to prepare.

'I didn't want you to hide, dear Sasha. It's for your own good. You need to be vaccinated!'

I don't need to be attacked. It's bad for my health.

'Being dragged from under the bed would be more stressful for you, dear Sasha.'



dood…next time ya wanna spot ta hide out at, ewe R welcome heer in trout towne
noe one noez wear itz at ‼️😺💙🐟
meowmeowmans said…
Sorry Lynettea did not give you proper warning, Sasha!
pilch92 said…
You need lessons from my Penny. She fought off a vet and 2 techs. XO

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