My Celebrity Status

 This morning, I received a surprise. The Vet asked for my portrait for their Facebook page. Lynettea says I must send some photos to show how grateful I am for his kind attention. Meow. 

Although I don't like Vets, I always submit to their attention and hold out my paws for my nails to be trimmed. And it didn't take long. So I suppose I must be grateful. 

If they decide to post my photo, I will link the page on my blog so you can all see it. 

And here is a movie of me eating breakfast. The sunlight is streaming in, warming the house on a cold May morning. 


meowmeowmans said…
We are not surprised that your vet asked if they could put your portrait on their website, Sasha. After all, you are a handsome celebrity cat!
pilch92 said…
That is so cool. Of course you are a celebrity. XO

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