Relaxing at Home

 The weather is getting cooler and I am relaxing in one of my chief cosies.  I use this one a lot because it is on the lounge and next to where Lynettea sits to watch TV or look at messages on her mobile. And, importantly, in cool weather, it has my winter shawl, hand knitted for me by one of my favourite human friends. The friend knitted it for Lynettea, who generously lets me use it. 

And this is from Lynettea's novel. I wonder when it will be finished. She always says, 'I am working on it, Sasha,' when I ask. Is that me on the sofa at the back? And a doggie and cat friend. You can see it is set in the future. 



dood…how awesum yur cozee blankit iz…AND…what an awesum
grafix frum lynettea’s novel! 😺‼️🐟 way kewl 💙💙
meowmeowmans said…
We love that video of you enjoying your blanket, Sasha. And that graphic is really great!
pilch92 said…
I want to read her novel. XO

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