Cat Traveller to the beach

Another virtual adventure.  I don't like getting my paws wet, so this time, I looked at the beach from the hilltop to take a photo of me and little roo and bear. Lynettea decided my little friend was not a rabbit but a baby kangaroo. I couldn't believe how she made the mistake. A roo is a marsupial.. 

Roo and Bear stayed on the hilltop with me. I am their guardian. 



dood…yur vizit mite bee virtual, but that beach iz awesum noe … matter 🐟🐟🐟🐟‼️💙
Such a pawsome picture even if it is virtual!
You do have some cool friends!!
Purrs, Julie
meowmeowmans said…
Hi Sasha! Even if it is virtual, that sure was fun for you and your friends!
pilch92 said…
Glad it was virtual- much safer. XO

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