Preparing for the heatwave

It will be a hot week, so I have prepared my equipment and will stay inside most of the time.
Lynettea will be on hand to serve me, as usual.


pilch92 said…
Glad you have a plan to keep cool.
It's supposed to be winter here, but it was in the 80s (Fahrenheit) last weekend!
Eastside Cats said…
As usual, we are in the opposite situation: it's bitterly cold here.
I will always worry about Paddy O'Malley being outside, but he proves to me, every day, that he's at home outside, and that is that!
dood !!!! two funny....we iz glad lynettea iz ther on stand bye ta serve ewe !!!

hay, we hope de pond fish iz doin well :) ☺☺♥♥

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