Training the Human to Play Team Sports

After many attempts  I managed to get my human to play this game with me. She was whacking the ball around so fast that I was missing my turn. I would crouch and stare in amazement as the ball whizzed past me and around the track. Yesterday she suddenly came to a realisation. I could see her thinking as she knelt there looking at me. 'I need to hit the ball softly,' she said.
When she hit the ball softly, I could put my paw in the slot and hit it back to her. We had a good game for quite a while hitting the ball back and forth so it spun around the track.
That is what team play is, I wanted to tell her. Working together, we can achieve our goal. Now we will see if she remembers.
She asked me to sit near my game to take the photo. The little rabbit isn't supposed to be there. She was throwing it around. Humans can be unruly and hard to discipline.


games are fun aren't they,xx Titch
meowmeowmans said…
Bravo, Sasha! You are such a good and patient teacher.
pilch92 said…
Sounds like you are doing a good job training your human. XO

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