Today is My Ninth Birthday!

 As this is a special day, Lynettea decided she would take me on a virtual visit. She has been promising me a virtual outing for a long time. I thought we could go in Lynettea's time machine to Adelaide Zoo, where she worked as a volunteer for many years. 

'What animals would you like to visit, Sasha?'

I had to think about that. 

'Well, I could take you to visit the beautiful lady white-cheeked gibbon,' she said.

Okay! That is a start. 

'The white-cheeked gibbon female is a beautiful golden colour, Sasha. The male adult is dark with white cheeks. So they look as if they aren't even related. Isn't that interesting?'

As I am visiting as a virtual cat, I am allowed inside the zoo. Real cats aren't allowed to enter. Another case of discrimination against cats. 

Can you see me on the rock? 

When the gibbon decided to swing in the tree, I managed to climb onto the branches, but I was a little unsteady. 

So, we decided to visit the kangaroos next.

They aren't used to having cat visitors, so they seemed quite pleased to see me. 

After all that walking through the zoo, Lynettea thought it was time for us to come home. She promised me we could see some different animals next time. 


Happy birthday, Sasha! That was a nice visit to the zoo.
Happy Birthday Sasha!!
The visit to the zoo was a pawsome present!!
Purrs, Julie
meowmeowmans said…
What a wonderful visit to celebrate your special day, Sasha! Happy birthday to you, our dear friend! XO
The Island Cats said…
What a fun way to celebrate your birthday, Sasha. Happy Birthday!
dood....happee bee lated birth day two ewe N heerz ta 90 mor !!!! hope yur yeer a head iz filled with happeez and healtheez and ewe get ta go bak two de zoo soon and see R big cat cuzinz !!! ♫♫♪♫♫♪♫♫♪♫♫♪ ☺☺♥♥
catladymac said…
Happy Purrthday Sasha !
pilch92 said…
Nice kangaroos. Happy Birthday Sasha! And Happy Valentine's Day too! XO

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