Where to next?

I went out for a little walk this morning,  but hardly ventured into the street at all. Then Lynettea tried to put me on the cover of the gas meter so I could see over the picket fence, but I sprang off and tugged her up the driveway and behind the second gate. We are becoming more reclusive without seeing anyone these days. But it is comfy sleeping in my cosy next to my Mum. 
Where would I go for my next virtual adventure? I am thinking about it.


pilch92 said…
Glad your adventures are virtual. They are safer that way. XO
Hmmmmmmmm! Where to go?
How about a place with lots of fresh catnip?
A spa with lovely brushes? I love getting brushed.
Purrs, Julie
meowmeowmans said…
Virtual adventures sound fun, Sasha! Bet you will think of something really awesome!
Lone Star Cats said…
I'd say a chikken coop, MOL!
The Island Cats said…
Maybe you should climb a tree in your next virtual adventure. That would be fun!

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