Home Alone

I have been trying to send messages to Lynettea reminding her of my concerns. Our neighbour says my human is having a cataract operation and she had a message from Lynettea worried about me. I hope she comes home soon. 
Remember Me!
from Sasha


Don't worry, she will never forget you are waiting at home for her. I hope the operation goes well.
Sasha said…
Dear Sasha. I am thinking of you. Look after the fish.
dood....we iz crackin UP...."look afturr de fish " !!!! ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

we hope all goes well with lynettea's operationz ~~~ ♥♥
meowmeowmans said…
Aww, we sure hope Lynettea comes home soon, Sasha. And we purr her eyes heal quickly!
pilch92 said…
I am sorry you were left alone. I hope the surgery goes well. XO
catladymac said…
Sending purrayers that your huMom's operatio is successful and helps her see better !

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