Our bathroom in our luxury Paris hotel

We have had a long trip getting to our faraway virtual destination in Paris. The pets are excited to see a wonderful golden bathroom waiting for them. I wasn't aware that they liked having a bath. They never get a bath at home unless one is unfortunate enough to get caught in the washing machine! But this looks so elegant. Despite Little Roo's remarks, I will just groom myself as usual. 




thatz one fancee room buddy! N joy yur stay in Paris 😺🐟‼️💙
pilch92 said…
That is fancy. I would soak in the tub. XO
meowmeowmans said…
Whoa. That is one fancy schmancy bathroom, Sasha!
Sasha said…
I am waiting for Lynettea to enter more of my Paris Diary. She is slow. Sasha

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