Thank you to my visitors

 We love seeing all the kitties and their humans who visit us. Not many of you leave a comment, but we see that you have come from places all over the world. Thank you for joining us.


wavez two ewe dood frum a cross de big pond, then over a bit, then sail up
north !!! hope ewe iz well....happee day...we due knot get ta vizit much any mor
( internetz stuff :(

pilch92 said…
I love visiting you. XO
The Island Cats said…
Always nice to see you, Sasha.
meowmeowmans said…
We read every one of your posts, dear Sasha. It's true that we sometimes don't comment, but we do our best, and it is always a joy to visit you. Hugs to you and Lynettea!

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