On Guard

Up all night long guarding the house, I am sleeping it off in my little velvet house. 
I request the window open at night and then I can't resist guarding from the window sill. There is mesh on the window, so invaders can't attack me, but I know my responsibility.
Lynette asked Alexa, our electronic servant, to play me rainforest sounds.


Sleep is a good reward for a hard working guard cat!!
Purrs,Georgia and Julie
Eastside Cats said…
Sasha, you get Alexa to work for you also? Wow!
good job dood....N joy yur snooze; rainforest soundz....sound.....AWESUM !!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wavez two de pond fish ☺☺♥♥
I wish I had an Alexa - I've never heard rainforest sounds!
pilch92 said…
You deserve a rest after all that hard work.

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